Sunday, February 22, 2009

bitch of a week

For the most part this week sucked. It started off bad on monday and didn't really start to improve until thursday.

Monday I was supposed to go see a new doctor. I get over there and they demand my SS card. I didn't bring it with me because I just don't carry it number one, and number two you're not required to give that number out anyway. I even offered to pay cash for the office visit and they refused to see me. The stupid bitch actually thought I would make another appointment and come back later!! No fucking way after the shitty way I was treated. I came home and called my doctor in Lakin and I'll go on tuesday. He's out of the insurance network but at the moment I don't care.

Monday evening after work I went shopping at this really funky discount store here. I left my debit card at the store and didn't discover it until tuesday night.

Sunday I had switched the satellite receiver box to the supposedly new one they sent since the old one's hard drive had failed. Bill said it had been shutting itself off. Uhhh, okay. So monday night I settle in after work to watch my shows and the damn thing shuts itself off and won't come back on right. I called tech support and we got it working again. The tech told me he would put notes on my account so that if it did it again in the next two hours the next tech could escalate the support. That soooooooooo didn't happen!!! The reciever shut itself off in about an hour and a half. The second tech I got was apparently an idiot and basically refused to any thing but the minimum required to get it working again and refused to send me a new one. The fucking thing actually shut off *while* she was doing tech support and she didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it. I finally got tired of talking to her and just hung up after she got it working for the 3rd time that night.

Tuesday morning I get up and call tech support yet again because the fucking thing wasn't working and I knew Bill would be home in about an hour and would want ESPN. I had the third tech reactivate my old box so we could at least watch tv until another receiver could be sent. He was at least helpful in that way. But he didn't get the original receiver on the account right and when Bill got home there was no ESPN. So I called tech support yet again. This time I got the only person there that seems to have the slightest clue what they're doing and she got the original receiver back on the account so we could at least watch tv and made sure they were sending another new box.

And then tuesday while I was at work I get a voice mail on my cell phone saying my internet wasn't paid this month. I called them earlier in the month to change debit cards on the account because the bank changed card processing companies and sent new cards with 4 whole days notice. I asked the kid what the last four numbers of the card that is on the account were and the person that changed card numbers for me put it in wrong!! That's when I discovered my debit card was gone.

And it didn't end there. I got a notice from the town they were going to shut off my water because the bill hadn't been paid for two months. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH!! I go to the bank's website and print off the two pages to show it had indeed been paid thru bill pay. I sent Bill to the town office. I didn't think it would be a good idea for me to go in there at that point. I suspect I'm the only person in this whole fucking place that uses bill pay and nobody is smart enough to figure out what the fuck it is!!

And to end the week I had a customer cop an attitude on me and then go throw a fit to the manager yesterday. She is apparently under the impression that because she runs a day care in her home she gets to deduct her entire family budget including all their clothing, food, lotto tickets and dog food. She got the attitude when I asked her why she wanted to file married filing separate. As a rule it's the worst filing status there is. And then it went downhill from there. One of the first things at the top of the deductions on the schedule C is the vehicle expenses. I ask her if she uses her vehicle to transport the kids and she said she does sometimes. I asked her what her vehicle was and when she put it in service. She couldn't figure out when she put the vehicle in service because she's been doing day care for 5 years but just got her license last August so she started it then, but she wants deductions for the whole year. Then she blew up and picked all of her stuff up and stomped off. I think she does day care because she's too fucking stupid to work anywhere else.


Holee said...

You made me feel good. I'm having the same kind of a week. Maybe misery likes company or something. Not one person this week said anything nice, not one freaken person.

It's been snowing since Tuesday, the washer pipe froze, the computer got a worm, my doctors expect me to treat myself so I can't sue them, the heating bill is $480. all the quilting world has become stuck up self praising idiots and between tonight and tomorrow night we are getting another 6 to 10 inches of snow.

I feel for ya!

tisme said...

I am sorry but did rofl reading your post. I have had a week like that, but this week, it all happened in two days!! Lets just say you get what you pay for sometimes. We had a problem at work and the guy came to tear down a wall and move some water lines.
He is not a carpenter or a plumber, but decided he could use a power saw on the wall around the pipes, needless to say he cut right through my main water line coming into the restaurant. Shut off all water, no coffee, no restrooms, no dishes, busy, I (very large I) find the line that he cut turn it off and get water to the rest of the restaurant. Truck tire is going flat, cell phone is God only knows, forgot my debit card at home, husband is at work. Sometimes life just sucks.
BUT, get home and find a wonderful packet from Holee with buttons and some silkies. So life sucks sometimes but with great friends, we get by.

JessicaSews said...

Your friends are here!
I checked your blog all week, was wondering 'bout you!
All I can say is Led Zeppelin, play it and turn it all the way up!
If we were all together, we'd do a "dance party" like on Grey's Anatomy!!
Do something wonderfully you and shake off the people's "negativity"!

Have a GOOD weekend!
~ Jes

Donna said...

Really helps to unload sometimes. I've had weeks like that pretty often lately. Like last week driving off into a sink hole. No sooner then they get me out DD calls and says she sitting on the side of the road and is afraid to drive home. Said she heard a pop, and it felt like she had a flat but all the tires were fine. Turns out her front axle broke, 2 tow trucks in the same afternoon. All that happened on the day we were having tornado watches. I've been in bed all day sick, probably from the stress. Well, tomorrow is a new day.

JessicaSews said...

Tuesday Morning....checking in on you!
Sending Positive Energy your way!!

old hippy chick said...

Thanks guys!! You're all great!!